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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Keep Folders Hidden

first create a new folder somewhere on your hard drive

when you name it hold down "Alt" and press "0160"

this will create and invisible space so it will apper as if it has no name.

then right click in and select "Properties"

select the tab "coustimize" and

select "change icon" scroll along and you should a few blanc spaces click on any one and

click ok when you hav saved the settings the folder will be invisible to hide all your personal files

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Samsung Secret Codes

to install software
Enter this Code *#9998*INSTALL# i.e. *#9998*4678255#
A message will pop-up "activated", load your jar and jad files to phone.
Now open jad file, it will ask you to install it.
Note: Files only max 300 KB work.
others are......

Software version: *#9999#
IMEI number: *#06#
Serial number: *#0001#
Battery status- Memory capacity : *#9998*246#
Debug screen: *#9998*324# - *#8999*324#
LCD contrast: *#9998*523#
Vibration test: *#9998*842# - *#8999*842#
Alarm beeper - Ringtone test : *#9998*289# - *#8999*289#
Smiley: *#9125#
Software version: *#0837#
Display contrast: *#0523# - *#8999*523#
Battery info: *#0228# or *#8999*228#
Display storage capacity: *#8999*636#
Display SIM card information: *#8999*778#
Show date and alarm clock: *#8999*782#
The display during warning: *#8999*786#
Samsung hardware version: *#8999*837#
Show network information: *#8999*638#
Display received channel number and received intensity: *#8999*9266#

*#1111# S/W Version
*#1234# Firmware Version
*#2222# H/W Version
*#8999*8376263# All Versions Together
*#8999*8378# Test Menu
*#4777*8665# GPRS Tool
*#8999*523# LCD Brightness
*#8999*377# Error LOG Menu
*#8999*327# EEP Menu
*#8999*667# Debug Mode
*#92782# Phone Model (Wap)
#*5737425# JAVA Mode
*#2255# Call List
*#232337# Bluetooth MAC Adress
*#5282837# Java Version

Type in *#0000# on a Samsung A300 to reset the language
Master reset (unlock) #*7337# (for the new samsungs E700 x600 but not E710)
Samsung E700 type *#2255# to show secret call log (not tested)
Samsung A300, A800 phone unlock enter this *2767*637#
Samsung V200, S100, S300 phone unlock : *2767*782257378#

#*4773# Incremental Redundancy
#*7785# Reset wakeup & RTK timer cariables/variables
#*7200# Tone Generator Mute
#*3888# BLUETOOTH Test mode
#*7828# Task screen
#*#8377466# S/W Version & H/W Version
#*2562# Restarts Phone
#*2565# No Blocking? General Defense.
#*3353# General Defense, Code Erased.
#*3837# Phone Hangs on White screen.
#*3849# Restarts Phone
#*7337# Restarts Phone (Resets Wap Settings)
#*2886# AutoAnswer ON/OFF
#*7288# GPRS Detached/Attached
#*7287# GPRS Attached
#*7666# White Screen
#*7693# Sleep Deactivate/Activate
#*2286# Databattery
#*2527# GPRS switching set to (Class 4, 8, 9, 10)
#*2679# Copycat feature Activa/Deactivate
#*3940# External looptest 9600 bps
#*4263# Handsfree mode Activate/Deactivate
#*2558# Time ON
#*3941# External looptest 115200 bps
#*5176# L1 Sleep
#*7462# SIM Phase
#*7983# Voltage/Freq
#*7986# Voltage
#*8466# Old Time
#*2255# Call Failed
#*5376# DELETE ALL SMS!!!!
#*6837# Official Software Version: (0003000016000702)
#*2337# Permanent Registration Beep
#*2474# Charging Duration
#*2834# Audio Path (Handsfree)
#*3270# DCS Support Activate/Deactivate
#*3282# Data Activate/Deactivate
#*3476# EGSM Activate/Deactivate
#*4760# GSM Activate/Deactivate
#*4864# White Screen
#*7326# Accessory
#*7683# Sleep variable
#*3797# Blinks 3D030300 in RED
#*7372# Resetting the time to DPB variables
#*3273# EGPRS multislot (Class 4, 8, 9, 10)
#*7722# RLC bitmap compression Activate/Deactivate
#*2351# Blinks 1347E201 in RED
#*2775# Switch to 2 inner speaker
#*7878# First Startup (0=NO, 1=YES)
#*3838# Blinks 3D030300 in RED
#*2077# GPRS Switch
#*2027# GPRS Switch
#*0227# GPRS Switch
#*0277# GPRS Switch
#*22671# AMR REC START
#*22672# Stop AMR REC (File name: /a/multimedia/sounds/voice list/ENGMODE.amr)
#*22673# Pause REC
#*22674# Resume REC
#*22675# AMR Playback
#*22676# AMR Stop Play
#*22677# Pause Play
#*22678# Resume Play
#*77261# PCM Rec Req
#*77262# Stop PCM Rec
#*77263# PCM Playback
#*77264# PCM Stop Play
#*22679# AMR Get Time
*#8999*364# Watchdog ON/OFF
*#8999*427# WATCHDOG signal route setup
*2767*3855# = Full Reset (Caution every stored data will be deleted.)
*2767*2878# = Custom Reset
*2767*927# = Wap Reset
*2767*226372# = Camera Reset (deletes photos)
*2767*688# Reset Mobile TV
#7263867# = RAM Dump (On or Off)

*2767*49927# = Germany WAP Settings
*2767*44927# = UK WAP Settings
*2767*31927# = Netherlands WAP Settings
*2767*420927# = Czech WAP Settings
*2767*43927# = Austria WAP Settings
*2767*39927# = Italy WAP Settings
*2767*33927# = France WAP Settings
*2767*351927# = Portugal WAP Settings
*2767*34927# = Spain WAP Settings
*2767*46927# = Sweden WAP Settings
*2767*380927# = Ukraine WAP Settings
*2767*7927# = Russia WAP Settings
*2767*30927# = GREECE WAP Settings
*2767*73738927# = WAP Settings Reset
*2767*49667# = Germany MMS Settings
*2767*44667# = UK MMS Settings
*2767*31667# = Netherlands MMS Settings
*2767*420667# = Czech MMS Settings
*2767*43667# = Austria MMS Settings
*2767*39667# = Italy MMS Settings
*2767*33667# = France MMS Settings
*2767*351667# = Portugal MMS Settings
*2767*34667# = Spain MMS Settings
*2767*46667# = Sweden MMS Settings
*2767*380667# = Ukraine MMS Settings
*2767*7667#. = Russia MMS Settings
*2767*30667# = GREECE MMS Settings

*#7465625# = Check the phone lock status
*7465625*638*Code# = Enables Network lock
#7465625*638*Code# = Disables Network lock
*7465625*782*Code# = Enables Subset lock
#7465625*782*Code# = Disables Subset lock
*7465625*77*Code# = Enables SP lock
#7465625*77*Code# = Disables SP lock
*7465625*27*Code# = Enables CP lock
#7465625*27*Code# = Disables CP lock
*7465625*746*Code# = Enables SIM lock
#7465625*746*Code# = Disables SIM lock
*7465625*228# = Active lock ON
#7465625*228# = Active lock OFF
*7465625*28638# = Auto Network lock ON
#7465625*28638# = Auto Network lock OFF
*7465625*28782# = Auto subset lock ON
#7465625*28782# = Auto subset lock OFF
*7465625*2877# = Auto SP lock ON
#7465625*2877# = Auto SP lock OFF
*7465625*2827# = Auto CP lock ON
#7465625*2827# = Auto CP lock OFF
*7465625*28746# = Auto SIM lock ON
#7465625*28746# = Auto SIM lock OFF

Type *#9998*627837793# Go to the 'my parameters' and there you will find new menu where you can unlock phone. (not tested-for Samsung C100)
To unlock a Samsung turn the phone off take the SIM card and type the following code *#pw+15853649247w# .
Java status code: #*53696# (Samsung X600)

If you want to unlock your phone put a SIM from another company then type *#9998*3323# it will reset your phone. Push exit and then push 7, it will reset again. Put your other SIM in and it will say SIM lock, type in 00000000 then it should be unlocked. Type in *0141# then the green call button and it's unlocked to all networks. This code may not work on the older phones and some of the newer phones. If it doesn't work you will have to reset your phone without a SIM in it by typing *#2767*2878# or *#9998*3855# (not tested)

Sunday, August 30, 2009


many websites ( stream songs and videos
people believe they cannot be downloaded, quite why i dont know. they kinda think there is no file present to dwnld

once the file is located it can then be retrieved by nettransport
nettransport is able to dwnld any file whether ftp or rtsp etc

1. Download Project URL Snooper 1.02.01 from
2. Install URL Snooper (and WinPcap together)
3. Don't run URL Snooper when it is done installing
4. Restart computer
5. Open Project URL Snooper
6. Click on the General Options Tab
7. user posted image
8. Chose a network adapter
9. Now click on the search tab
10. Click Sniff Network
11. Go to a webpage and you should see some results in the results list
12. If nothing is appearing then chose another network adapter, until one works

13. Now you are ready to begin searching
14. Click the "Hide Non-Streaming URLs" option to hide all http:// references and only show URLs corresponding to streaming audio/video (rtsp, pnm, wma, etc.)
15. Then click Sniff Network
16. Your links should appear as you begin streaming your file
17. Select your desired stream user posted image
18. usually rm file user posted image
19. On the bottom there should be the link which you simply copy user posted image

20. Download nettransport from here or

21. Install it
22. Click on new
23. Paste link

now you should be able to download any file

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Enter In Windows 2000 As Administrator

Get in windows 2000 as Administrator.

NOTE: Requires a boot disk.

Get the command prompt and go to C:\winnt\sytem32\config\ and do
the following commands:

attrib -a -r -h
copy sam.* a:\
del Sam.*

reboot the computer. there should be no administrator password.
just put in administrator and hit enter. replace the sam files to
restore the password to hide intrusion.

Formatting An Hdd, when fdisk won't

CAUTION: This debug script is for advanced users only. Its Purpose is to remove all formatting and partitioning information from your hard disk when FDISK is unable to do so. THIS WILL REMOVE ALL DATA AND PROGRAMS FORM THE DRIVE.

1. Create a MSDOS bood disk with Debug

2. At DOS command prompt type the following: Debug[Enter] (Where enter is to press the enter key once)

NOTE: Type the following bolded text only. You will recieve an error if you type anything other than the bold text. The non-bolded text represents what will appear on you screen once you press [Enter] after each command.

-F 200 L1000 0 [Enter]
-A CS:100 [Enter]
xxxx:0100 MOV AX,301 [Enter]
xxxx:0103 MOV BX,200 [Enter]
xxxx:0106 MOV CX,1 [Enter]
xxxx:0109 MOV DX,80 [Enter]

NOTE: ( --- "80" for hd0, "81" for hd1)

xxxx:010c INT 13 [Enter]
xxxx: 010e INT 20 [Enter]
xxxx: 0110 [Enter]

-G [Enter]
"Program terminated normally"

3. Turn off the computer. On the next startup the hard drive will need to be partitioned and formatted.

Speed up firefox

Yes, firefox is already pretty damn fast but did you know that you can tweak it and improve the speed even more?

That's the beauty of this program being open source.
Here's what you do:
In the URL bar, type “about:config” and press enter. This will bring up the configuration “menu” where you can change the parameters of Firefox.

Note that these are what I’ve found to REALLY speed up my Firefox significantly - and these settings seem to be common among everybody else as well. But these settings are optimized for broadband connections - I mean with as much concurrent requests we’re going to open up with pipelining… lol… you’d better have a big connection.

Double Click on the following settins and put in the numbers below - for the true / false booleans - they’ll change when you double click.

browser.tabs.showSingleWindowModePrefs – true
network.http.max-connections – 48
network.http.max-connections-per-server – 16
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy – 8
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server – 4
network.http.pipelining – true
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests – 100
network.http.proxy.pipelining – true
network.http.request.timeout – 300

One more thing… Right-click somewhere on that screen and add a NEW -> Integer. Name it “nglayout.initialpaint.delay” and set its value to “0”. This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives. Since you’re broadband - it shouldn’t have to wait.

Now you should notice you’re loading pages MUCH faster now!

Find Stuff on Net

Find Stuff

Has this ever happened to you?

You're looking for something on a long web page with Internet Explorer or Netscape. You think it's there, but you're faced with seemingly insurmountable number of paragraphs, sentences, and words to hunt though.

Well, next time this happens to you, hit the Edit menu, Find (or CTRL-F for you shortcut lovers). You'll get a handy little "find" box that lets you type in a specific word. After you type in your search term, hit the Find Next button and Explorer will look for that word on the page. If it's successful, you'll be zapped right to it.

As if that wasn't cool enough, you can also use a variation of this tip in Windows Explorer. Next time you're looking for a file in Explorer, hit CRTL-F and you'll get a Find or Search box (depending on what flavor of Windows you're using).

If you are already in the area of your hard drive where you think the file is (say, My Documents), hit CTRL-F and your search will be set to look in the My Documents sfolder.

Enable Folder and Icon Refresh

This reg file Enables Folder and Icon Refresh.

1. Copy the following (everything in the box) into notepdad.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


2. Save the file as disablerefreshundo.reg
3. Double click the file to import into your registry.

NOTE: If your anti-virus software warns you of a "malicious" script, this is normal if you have "Script Safe" or similar technology enabled.

e bay trick

When you look at an item and click on bid history all the bid amount are replaced with "-" until the end of the auction.

To view these amounts before the auction ends when viewing the item change

in the address bar to

And then click on the bid history. The bid amounts will be shown.

Download from a paypal site without paying a penny!

Just a little basic html tip for those who are trying to download an application from sites which has an paypal order page & link to start you off.

Use a proxy when you try this to hide your ip as some sites will record your ip when you connect for security.

1) Rightclick your mouse (ctrl+click) viewsource and open the source of the site in an a texteditor
2) Search for the word "return"
3) Next to it you can find the url for the thank you page
4) Copy the url and paste it in your browser and you will see the download link

This works only if you can download instantly after payment, it will not work if the link needs to be emailed to you.

You can try it here to start with:

About half way down the page you will find:

Copy the link into your browser and download.

Disable Windows Logo Key



u can copy the following messages into ur notepad and save as *.reg, and use it..

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout]
"Scancode Map"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,03,00,00,00,00,00,5b,e0,00,00,5c,e0,\

Change The Default Location For Installing Apps

As the size of hard drives increase, more people are using partitions to separate and store groups of files.
XP uses the C:\Program Files directory as the default base directory into which new programs are installed. However, you can change the default installation drive and/ or directory by using a Registry hack.
Go to :-
- Start > Run
- Type “regedit” (without “” NOOBS!)
- Go to this directory…
- Look for the value named ProgramFilesDir. by default,this value will be C:\Program Files. Edit the value to any valid drive or folder and XP will use that new location as the default installation directory for new programs.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

mobile hack via bluetooth

here is the link for the super bluetooth hack software which is for mobile .this software allows u to enter inside the other mobile via bluetooth ie. u`ll be able to call via other mobile ,switch off to the mobile ,able to select data u want in ur mobile nd much more....
remember this is not a actual mobile hack this will ask for code... enter 0000 if u don`t know..


Difference between ac motor and dc motor?

Direct current or DC electric motors work for situations where speed needs to be controlled. DC motors have a stable and continuous current. DC motors were the first and earliest motors used. They were found, however, to not be as good at producing power over long lengths. Electric companies found using DC motors to generate electric did not work because the power was lost as the electric was transmitted. Brush DC motors use rings that conduct the current and form the magnetic drive that powers the rotor. Brushless DC motors use a switch to produce the magnetic drive that powers the rotor. Direct current motors are often found in appliances around the home.

Alternating current or AC electric motors are used differently based on what type of AC motor it is. Single phase AC motors are known as general purpose motors. They work well in many different situations. These AC motors work great for systems that are hard to start because they need a lot of power up front. Three phase, also called polyphase, AC motors are usually found in industrial settings. These motors also have high starting power built transmit lower levels of overall power. AC power gets its name from the fact that it alternates in power. The amount of power given off by an AC motor is determined by the amount of power needed to operate the system.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Delete An "undeletable" File

Open a Command Prompt window and leave it open.
Close all open programs.
Click Start, Run and enter TASKMGR.EXE
Go to the Processes tab and End Process on Explorer.exe.
Leave Task Manager open.
Go back to the Command Prompt window and change to the directory the AVI (or other undeletable file) is located in.
At the command prompt type DEL where is the file you wish to delete.
Go back to Task Manager, click File, New Task and enter EXPLORER.EXE to restart the GUI shell.
Close Task Manager.


Open Notepad.exe

Click File>Save As..>

locate the folder where ur undeletable file is

Choose 'All files' from the file type box

click once on the file u wanna delete so its name appears in the 'filename' box

put a " at the start and end of the filename
(the filename should have the extension of the undeletable file so it will overwrite it)

click save,

It should ask u to overwrite the existing file, choose yes and u can delete it as normal

Sunday, July 12, 2009

power iso

this is d software useful 2 work with d all image file. u`ll be able 2 add or remove file 2 a bootable / non bootable image, able 2 run d image in virtual drive and u`ll also able to create types of images..

this software is not free of cost however i`m also giving d keygen which works perfectly

keygen downloading link


power iso setup downloading link

Power ISO38

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


this is d fastest p2p file sharing Application on the Earth . this is free of cost .
after installation u will able to download all type of, videos,music,documents and much more BUT before downloading the data , conform the ANTI VIRUS in ur system coz, d data may contain VIRUS.

vista activator

this is d vista activator crack .after installation ur vista windows will be activated & u will be able to install all windows updates...this will works perfectly for all vista..

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

modem booster

this is a portable modem booster
simply open the file insteed of installation it will start to boost ur modem speed..

.bat to .exe converter

this converter ,converts the .bat file to the .exe file so u can hide the coding u have done in .bat file because .bat file is easily editable where as .exe is not....

free internet

if u want the free internet connection then install this software..

:-WIFI in ur system

this easy wifi radar detect and connect u to the wire less connection

Sunday, May 24, 2009

fake virus.... zakass vista

here is a special fake virus for win vista/7

Saturday, May 23, 2009

fake virus.... zakass xp

this is the virus specially for xp

check out this

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

browser virus

here is the link........


please comment

Friday, May 1, 2009

magic on browser

open a site containing images then....

copy and paste the given code into ur browser`s address bar and watch what happens

javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.images; DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5;*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5}R++
}setInterval('A()',5); void(0);


click the link to download

this is not a virus but as u open this file it will show that ur computer having a virus....

i have done some changes....

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Edit pic containing site

copy and paste the code in addressbar
and u will be able to edit the pic containing webpage

javascript:document.body.contentEditable ='true';document.designMode='on';void 0

Sunday, April 26, 2009

No Text Icons

If you would like your desktop Icons to have no text underneath then try this tweak:

Right click the icon and select "Rename"

Now hold the "Alt" key and type "255" and hit Enter

NOTE : It may only work with the keypad numbers and not the number keys on top of the keyboard.

How To Make Free Phone Calls

Have you ever got stuck some ware and just about 6'ft away from you there is a pay phone, but yet you dont have any change(=( bummer) to call your famaly members or some one to come and pick you up(hehe that sux)?

Well im going to show you some thing that might get you arrested(shit now what) or it might get you home( now thats what im talking about!)its a chance that you have to take depends were are you.

Ok now before we go on let me let you know that this is not thateasy to do, but anyways lets start. A pay phone is not like a regular home phone. A pay phone runs through a diffrent amount of electricity and wires even the electricity flow is diffrent, Well anyways that is enoght of electrical talk lets get to the good part.

Ok to get free call's on a pay phone you will frist have to twist the phone wire just about 50 to 60 times then you will pull on the phonewire untill the metal part crackes off phone keep doing it if the metalpart is completely off the phone....
Now assuming that it is off you willsee a few colored wires in side the metal wire of the pay phone there should be a black, red, yellow one in side it and a really metallthick one in the middle(NOTE that some phone has diffrent colored wires)now the one wire that we are looking for is the black one. Now here ishow its done.. rip off the plastic of that wire(you can take it out with your teeth, you wont get electricuted =) hehe ).

Now assuming that you have taken apart the plastic off the wire(does not has to be all of it)now you will take that wire and aply it to the phone with the metal part of the phone touching the wire that you ripped off its plastic.. if you are aplying it correctly then you should here a static on the phone.. so make sure you have that phone on your ear.. now with the wire being aplyed to the phone(the metal part right next tothe buttons)Dial the number that you wish to call.. onces you hear it ringing then you can let go of the wire that you was applying.. and BINGO... say hello to mami and daddy for me =).. welp that is all enjoy your call.. ohh and by the wayyes this also comes with long distance hehe, and no! you can not use it to logg on to aol... Peace.

Aim: xlordt



How To Block Websties Without Software, block websites

How To Block Websties Without Software, block websites


1] Browse C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc
2] Find the file named "HOSTS"
3] Open it in notepad
4] Under " localhost" Add , and that site will no longer be accessable.
5] Done!

-So- localhost

--> is now unaccessable<--

For every site after that you want to add, just add "1" to the last number in the internal ip ( and then the addy like before.



How Long Has Your System Been Running?

Here's how you verify system uptime:

Click Start | Run and type cmd to open a command prompt.
At the prompt, type systeminfo

Scroll down the list of information to the line that says System Up Time.

This will tell you in days, hours, minutes and seconds how long the system has been up.

Note that this command only works in XP Pro, not in XP Home. You can, however, type net statistics workstation at the prompt in Home. The first line will tell you the day and time that the system came online.